Otuabagi Project
The ongoing construction of shore protection and reclamation
being executed by Interglobal technologies limited at Otuabagi, Bayelsa state.
This Album Shows The Progress Pictures Of The Ongoing Construction Of Shore Protection And Reclamation Being Executed By Interglobal Technologies Limited At Otuabagi, Bayelsa State

Project Steps
Otuabagi Stage 1
Joint survey between Interglobal Technology Ltd, NDDC reps and project consultant (Gama Consulting) to establish the shore projection line.
Otuabagi Stage 2
site clearing and creation of bond walls
Otuabagi Stage 3
excavation and installation of the protection gabion and reno mattresses filled with stones.
1. Joint Survey Work Among the parties
2. Establishment of the Depth of the Shore Line Using Eco Sounder
3. Established Shore Protection Line
4. Established Survey Beacon
5. Surveyor Setting Out The Shore Line
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1. Interglobal Engineer with the Community Workers on Site
2. Swampbuggy Performing Excavation
3. Swampbuggy Making Bund Wall
4. Arrival of the Excavator Machine on Site
5. Excavator Making Bund Wall & Digging Foundation
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1. Interglobal Engineer With Nddc Official
2. Interglobal Engineer Taking Measurements
3. Interglobal Engineer, The Nddc Officials & Skilled Labourers
4. Hardcore Delivered To Site
5. Excavation of the Foundation to the Actual Depth
6. Laying Of Gabion Mattress And Filter Fabric
7. Filling of Gabion Mattresses with Stones
8. Laying And Filling Of Gabion & Reno Mattress Ongoing
9. Laid And Filled Reno Mattresses
10. Laid And Filled Gabion And Reno Mattresses
11. Installation Of Filter Fabric To Protect Toe
12. Installation Of The Reno Mattress At The Toe
13. Laying And Filling Of Reno Mattresses
14. Laid And Filled Reno Mattresses And Gabion Walls
15. Laid And Filled Reno Mattresses
16. Laying And Filling Of Gabion Along The River Shore
17. Final Level Of The Reclamed Area
18. Final Protected Wall Along The Shore
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